Old Publications (Pre 2012)
1. Localised Simultaneous Clustering and Classification
[ ResearchGate'12] A. Kumar, Y. Park, A. Sharma, J. Ghosh, UT-Austin
2. Simple Usupervised Topic Discovery for Attribute Extraction for SEM task
[LREC'12 SemRel II Workshop] A. Kumar, R. Chatwin, J. Ghosh, UT-Austin
3. Dating Texts without Explicit Temporal Cues
[arXiv'11] A. Kumar, M. Lease, J. Baldridge, J. Ghosh, UT-Austin
4. Supervised Language Modeling for Temporal Resolution of Texts
[CIKM'11, pp 2069-2072] A. Kumar, M. Lease and J. Baldridge
5. Modeling Annotator Accuracies for Supervised Learning
[WSDM'11, CSDM Workshop, pp 19-22] A. Kumar and M. Lease 6. Learning to Rank from a Noisy Crowd
[SIGIR'11 pp 1221-1222] A. Kumar and M. Lease
7. A real world network pricing game with less severe Braess' Paradox
[arXiv'09] A. Kumar, IIT-Guwahati, S. K. Das, IIT-Kharagpur
My Graduate Research Work (UT-Austin)
I worked with Prof. Joydeep Ghosh, Prof. Matthew Lease and Prof. Jason Baldridge in the area of Statistical Machine Learning, Generative Models, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval.My Under-Graduate Research Work (IIT)
My under-graduate research has been mostly in the area of Databases and Distributed Computing.Bachelor's Thesis
Stream Databases with distributed data stream sources
[pdf]Advisor - Dr G. Sajith, Prof., Department of CSE, IIT Guwahati